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All posts by David

I have loved the movies ever since I saw “The Wizard of Oz” as a young boy. When Beatle-mania hit the USA, Rock-N-Roll was my greatest passion, but I haven’t enjoyed the current music scene nearly as much over the past 15 years, so that void has been filled by film. In college and med school, I would see movies with my friends and we would stay up late into the night chatting about them. I still love seeing movies with friends and then having dinner to discuss them. This blog evolved out of my desire to tell my movie-loving friends about movies I thought they would enjoy. The blog allows me to do this in a fun way and to reach movie fans everywhere.


I Almost Got Seasick!

Greyhound: A “See”-Worthy Film ...

Jul 24, 2020Comments off

It’s 1942 and it’s a toss-up as to who’s going to win the war.  Although the Pacific is where just about all the WWII movie


Fun "Ground Hog Day" Riff

Palm Springs: Entertaining and Funny Rom-Co...

Jul 21, 2020Comments off

Now in the 4th month of movie theater withdrawal, it hasn’t been easy to find a reason to live.  This film isn’t it, but it’s


Taut and Real Drama!

Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always: A Harrowi...

Jul 11, 2020Comments off

Written and Directed by Eliza Hittman and anchored by an AAW performance by Sidney Flanigan, this film tells a three-day tale about a teenage girl


Touching and Funny Film!

The Half of It: A Sweet Romantic Comedy Wit...

Jul 08, 2020Comments off

Director/Writer Alice Wu has crafted a partly-autobiographical film which is a creative spin-off of the classic “Cyrano de Bergerac.” Ellie Chu (Leah Lewis) is a


Another Winner for Spike Lee!

Da 5 Bloods – Netflix: Another Compel...

Jul 01, 2020Comments off

Spike Lee is one of my favorite directors, despite the fact that he is an avid Knick’s fan.  I think “Do The Right Thing” (1989)


Terrific Ensemble Cast!

The King of Staten Island: Not Quite Royalt...

Jun 19, 2020Comments off

Directed and co-written by Judd Apatow (along with Pete Davidson and Dave Sirus), this movie shares much in common with “Knocked Up,” although it isn’t


A Redemption Tale with a Sports Backdrop!

The Way Back: An Alcoholic’s Struggle

Jun 10, 2020Comments off

Ben Affleck’s struggle with alcoholism and the havoc it has wreaked in his life (e.g. unraveling his marriage to Jennifer Garner, among other events) is


An Amazing True Story!

Just Mercy: We Could Use A Little Now

Jun 09, 2020Comments off

Robin and I were in the throes of cabin fever when we received a call from our close friends, Arnie and Ellen, inviting us over


An Under-Rated Actress!

Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind – Natal...

May 17, 2020Comments off

This documentary, directed by Laurent Bouzereau and narrated by Natasha Gregson Wagner (daughter of Natalie and Producer Richard Gregson and the step-daughter of Robert Wagner),


Fine Performances By Jackman and Janney!

Bad Education: A Black Eye for My Alma Mate...

Apr 29, 2020Comments off

When I was 8 and my sister Jo was 11, my parents moved the family from Brooklyn to Roslyn, a town in Nassau County, Long