Headline News

Commonly Used Abbreviations:

BS = Big Screen   AA = Academy Award   AAW = Academy Award Worthy   OTBR = On the bubble rental   MS = Must See!

Number Rating System

9.5-10- all time classics like Cassablanca or Wizard of OZ
9- Academy Award Caliber-MUST SEE!
8.5- Top 20 movie
8.0- Very Good Movie
7.5- Good movie-Worth a trip to the BS
7.0- Solid Rental
6.5- OTBR
6.0 and less-avoid

Star Rating System. Displayed at the Bottom of Each Blog.

5   stars-Academy Award Caliber-MUST SEE
4   stars-Top 20 movie
3.5 stars-Very good movie
3   stars-good movie-worth a trip to the BS
2.5 stars-Solid Rental
2    stars-On the Bubble Rental (OTBR)
1    star-avoid