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Can You Ever Forgive Me?: Melissa McCarthy in a Serious Role!

November 15, 2018
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Melissa McCarthy is known for her comedic roles, but she shows off her serious acting chops in this film.  The Director (Marielle Heller) has done a fine job getting excellent performances from the two leads and the rest of the cast.  This is a true story, based on Lee Israel’s memoir, “Can You Ever Forgive Me?”

Lee Israel (McCarthy) was once on the NY Times Bestseller list, but her last two books haven’t sold well and she has fallen on hard times.  She is three months behind on her rent and can’t even afford an overcoat, which she desperately needs for the NYC winter.   She’s trying to write a biography about Fanny Brice, but she has writer’s block.  Furthermore, her agent (Jane Curtin) thinks this book will be a flop, even if she ever gets around to writing it.  Lee pushes the few people that love or like her away and she is hostile to everyone else, except for her pet cat.   As if this wasn’t enough, she’s drinking like a fish.

One day, Lee finds a letter written by a celebrity and sells it to a bookseller.  The purchaser tells Lee that she would have paid Lee even more money if the letter hadn’t been so bland.  Lee then gets the “inspiration” to create celebrity letters, which aren’t so bland.  She then sells them to various booksellers.  Lee also enlists her friend Jack (Richard Grant) in her scheme.  At first, everything is going well.  Lee gets herself out of debt and her self-esteem even improves!  But how long will she be able to get away with this?

The movie is an interesting character study, although slow at times.  The screenplay is well-written and the film will hold your interest.  It will work fine as a rental, but, if you a McCarthy fan, it’s worth seeing on the BS.  If you see it, but don’t like it, will you ever forgive me?

Melissa McCarthy is known for her comedic roles, but she shows off her serious acting chops in this film.  The Director (Marielle Heller) has done a fine job getting excellent performances from the two leads and the rest of the cast.  This is a true story, based on Lee Israel's memoir, "Can You Ever Forgive Me?" Lee Israel (McCarthy) was once on the NY Times Bestseller list, but her last two books haven't sold well and she has fallen on hard times.  She is three months behind on her rent and can't even afford an overcoat, which she desperately needs for the NYC winter.   She's trying to write a biography about Fanny Brice, but she has writer's block.  Furthermore, her agent (Jane Curtin) thinks this book will be a flop, even if she ever gets around to writing it.  Lee pushes the few people that love or like her away and she is hostile to everyone else, except for her pet cat.   As if this wasn't enough, she's drinking like a fish. One day, Lee finds a letter written by a celebrity and sells it to a bookseller.  The purchaser tells Lee that she would have paid Lee even more money if the letter hadn't been so bland.  Lee then gets the "inspiration" to create celebrity letters, which aren't so bland.  She then sells them to various booksellers.  Lee also enlists her friend Jack (Richard Grant) in her scheme.  At first, everything is going well.  Lee gets herself out of debt and her self-esteem even improves!  But how long will she be able to get away with this? The movie is an interesting character study, although slow at times.  The screenplay is well-written and the film will hold your interest.  It will work fine as a rental, but, if you a McCarthy fan, it's worth seeing on the BS.  If you see it, but don't like it, will you ever forgive me?


An Interesting True Story!
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I have loved the movies ever since I saw “The Wizard of Oz” as a young boy. When Beatle-mania hit the USA, Rock-N-Roll was my greatest passion, but I haven’t enjoyed the current music scene nearly as much over the past 15 years, so that void has been filled by film. In college and med school, I would see movies with my friends and we would stay up late into the night chatting about them. I still love seeing movies with friends and then having dinner to discuss them. This blog evolved out of my desire to tell my movie-loving friends about movies I thought they would enjoy. The blog allows me to do this in a fun way and to reach movie fans everywhere.

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