Headline News


November 15, 2015
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“Spotlight,” directed and co-written by Thomas McCarthy, is easily one of 2015’s best movies.  It chronicles the arduous investigation by the Boston Globe’s “Spotlight” team of the Roman Catholic Church’s cover up of rampant world-wide sexual abuse by priests, which was exposed by the paper in January 2002.

The film has a terrific ensemble cast including Mark Ruffalo (as Michael Rezendes, who wrote the original Globe article), Rachel McAdams, Liev Schreiber, Michael Keaton, and John Slattery.

The acting and screenplay are excellent, and the film moves along at a nice clip. I hadn’t known how extensive the abuse was and how much opposition the Church made to prevent the article from ever being written.

If you are really into the “Christmas Spirit,” however, you may want to wait and rent it later.  After seeing the film, I doubt I’ll feel like singing “Jingle Bells” or “Frosty the Snowman” in December.

"Spotlight," directed and co-written by Thomas McCarthy, is easily one of 2015's best movies.  It chronicles the arduous investigation by the Boston Globe's "Spotlight" team of the Roman Catholic Church's cover up of rampant world-wide sexual abuse by priests, which was exposed by the paper in January 2002. The film has a terrific ensemble cast including Mark Ruffalo (as Michael Rezendes, who wrote the original Globe article), Rachel McAdams, Liev Schreiber, Michael Keaton, and John Slattery. The acting and screenplay are excellent, and the film moves along at a nice clip. I hadn't known how extensive the abuse was and how much opposition the Church made to prevent the article from ever being written. If you are really into the "Christmas Spirit," however, you may want to wait and rent it later.  After seeing the film, I doubt I'll feel like singing "Jingle Bells" or "Frosty the Snowman" in December.


Informative and Entertaining Film!

Packs a Wallop!
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I have loved the movies ever since I saw “The Wizard of Oz” as a young boy. When Beatle-mania hit the USA, Rock-N-Roll was my greatest passion, but I haven’t enjoyed the current music scene nearly as much over the past 15 years, so that void has been filled by film. In college and med school, I would see movies with my friends and we would stay up late into the night chatting about them. I still love seeing movies with friends and then having dinner to discuss them. This blog evolved out of my desire to tell my movie-loving friends about movies I thought they would enjoy. The blog allows me to do this in a fun way and to reach movie fans everywhere.

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