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Skeleton Twins

September 21, 2014
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This is a terrific movie that is incredibly funny, deep, and emotionally compelling.

Maggie (Kristen Wiig) and Milo (Bill Hayder) are twins.  Their father committed suicide when they were 14.  They are now estranged adults and haven’t spoken to each other for 10 years.

Milo tries to commit suicide but fails. The twins, however, are somehow  still profoundly connected. Although they live on opposite coasts, Maggie was  holding a bunch of pills in her hand when she got the call about Milo’s suicide attempt.

Maggie then flies to LA to be with her gay brother. He wanted to be an actor but  instead is working as a waiter.  Maggie invites Milo to return to Nyack, NY to live with her and her husband (Lance-Luke Wilson). All kinds of interesting stuff happens as they re-connect, unfortunately, much of it involving self-defeating behaviors due to their unresolved negative feelings towards their father.

The film works on multiple levels.  It is a serious drama about the devastating effects of suicide on the survivors yet it is hilarious at times.  The Director (Craig Johnson) gets great performances from Wiig and Hayder (who are very talented and can really act) and a good one from Wilson.

The script (co-written by Johnson and Mark Hayman) is one of the year’s best.

If I were you I’d make sure to see Skeleton Twins before Halloween!

This is one of my favorite movies of 2014 and is A MUST SEE!

Rating- 8.5- Top 20 movie


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