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Promising Young Woman: A Woman’s Quest For Revenge (Amazon Prime Rental, $19.99)

January 20, 2021
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There was a split decision at the Davis household on this one, with me liking it while Rob gave it a thumbs-down.  This is surprising, since it’s a film from a female perspective.  The ending is unexpected, very dark, and upsetting.  I don’t think it worked so well, but Writer/Director Emerald Fennel’s debut should be commended for creativity and pushing the envelope. This film has much to recommend it, despite the ending (which some may like better than me), especially the AAW performance by Carey Mulligan.

Cassie (Carey) was once a promising medical student.  In the wake of a tragedy, she drops out.  It’s now seven years later.  She is living with her parents, working at a coffee shop, and has no romantic relationship.  Cassie goes regularly to bars and pretends to be drunk.  Inevitably, some “gallant” guy always offers to take her home so someone doesn’t take advantage of her.  Each guy, however, has a change of heart and tries to screw her – but Cassie teaches them a lesson.  Apparently, all of these men are in denial about what they would do if they actually had the chance to have sex with a very pretty woman who was not fully aware of her faculties.  Cassie keeps a notebook recording these encounters – it’s a mystery why she is doing this, and, even though she is sober, it’s still a dangerous situation.

One day at the coffee shop, a former medical school classmate, Ryan (Bo Burnham), asks her out and they start dating, although Cassie is ambivalent about starting up a relationship.

I can’t say any more about the plot, but Cassie is still enraged and guilt ridden over her traumatic event – she’s seeking justice, although it seems more like revenge to me.  The film has a nice pace, will hold your attention, and there’s plenty of dark humor, primarily from Cassie’s scathing wit.

I think the film is worth seeing for Mulligan’s performance alone, and you will think about its controversial message long after it’s over.

There was a split decision at the Davis household on this one, with me liking it while Rob gave it a thumbs-down.  This is surprising, since it's a film from a female perspective.  The ending is unexpected, very dark, and upsetting.  I don't think it worked so well, but Writer/Director Emerald Fennel's debut should be commended for creativity and pushing the envelope. This film has much to recommend it, despite the ending (which some may like better than me), especially the AAW performance by Carey Mulligan. Cassie (Carey) was once a promising medical student.  In the wake of a tragedy, she drops out.  It's now seven years later.  She is living with her parents, working at a coffee shop, and has no romantic relationship.  Cassie goes regularly to bars and pretends to be drunk.  Inevitably, some "gallant" guy always offers to take her home so someone doesn't take advantage of her.  Each guy, however, has a change of heart and tries to screw her – but Cassie teaches them a lesson.  Apparently, all of these men are in denial about what they would do if they actually had the chance to have sex with a very pretty woman who was not fully aware of her faculties.  Cassie keeps a notebook recording these encounters – it's a mystery why she is doing this, and, even though she is sober, it's still a dangerous situation. One day at the coffee shop, a former medical school classmate, Ryan (Bo Burnham), asks her out and they start dating, although Cassie is ambivalent about starting up a relationship. I can't say any more about the plot, but Cassie is still enraged and guilt ridden over her traumatic event – she's seeking justice, although it seems more like revenge to me.  The film has a nice pace, will hold your attention, and there's plenty of dark humor, primarily from Cassie's scathing wit. I think the film is worth seeing for Mulligan's performance alone, and you will think about its controversial message long after it's over.


AAW Performance By Mulligan!

Entertaining Movie, But Very Dark!
User Rating : No Ratings Yet !

I have loved the movies ever since I saw “The Wizard of Oz” as a young boy. When Beatle-mania hit the USA, Rock-N-Roll was my greatest passion, but I haven’t enjoyed the current music scene nearly as much over the past 15 years, so that void has been filled by film. In college and med school, I would see movies with my friends and we would stay up late into the night chatting about them. I still love seeing movies with friends and then having dinner to discuss them. This blog evolved out of my desire to tell my movie-loving friends about movies I thought they would enjoy. The blog allows me to do this in a fun way and to reach movie fans everywhere.

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