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Mission Impossible – Dead Reckoning, Part One: Stays “On Track”

July 17, 2023
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This is the seventh film in the M.I. franchise, and it’s a very good one.  It doesn’t break any new ground, but rather stays true to its roots, which makes it a fun ride!  The film has an interesting plot, amazing stunts and action sequences (including an incredible train scene), and, most importantly, plenty of Tom Cruise!  Although not as good as last year’s “Top Gun: Maverick,” it’s still a MUST-SEE.  You can see it now on TV on Paramount+, but this movie demands the B.S.!  In “TG: Maverick,” Cruise was fighting “The Enemy.”  In “MI-Dead Reckoning” he is fighting “The Entity!”

Ethan Hunt’s (Cruise) new mission, given to him by IMF Director Eugene Kittridge (Henry Czerny), involves a super A.I. system – “The Entity” – that has gone rogue.  All the world’s super powers and criminal organizations are competing to control “The Entity,” because to do so will ensure world domination.  (Meanwhile, I can’t even dominate my tennis rivals!)  “The Entity” is growing in power exponentiality, but it can be brought under control – and possibly even de-activated – by a special key that is split into two halves.  IMF has possession of one half.  Hunt’s mission is to find the other half.  As always, this mission is almost “impossible” to accomplish, especially against “The Entity,” which can anticipate his every move.

At 163 minutes, it’s about 20 minutes too long (primarily a car chase scene that overstayed its welcome), but why quibble?  As you might expect, Part One leaves you “hanging” (see pic)!  Part Two is scheduled for an August 2024 release, but the writer’s strike will probably delay it.


This is the seventh film in the M.I. franchise, and it's a very good one.  It doesn't break any new ground, but rather stays true to its roots, which makes it a fun ride!  The film has an interesting plot, amazing stunts and action sequences (including an incredible train scene), and, most importantly, plenty of Tom Cruise!  Although not as good as last year's "Top Gun: Maverick," it's still a MUST-SEE.  You can see it now on TV on Paramount+, but this movie demands the B.S.!  In "TG: Maverick," Cruise was fighting "The Enemy."  In "MI-Dead Reckoning" he is fighting "The Entity!" Ethan Hunt's (Cruise) new mission, given to him by IMF Director Eugene Kittridge (Henry Czerny), involves a super A.I. system – "The Entity" – that has gone rogue.  All the world's super powers and criminal organizations are competing to control "The Entity," because to do so will ensure world domination.  (Meanwhile, I can't even dominate my tennis rivals!)  "The Entity" is growing in power exponentiality, but it can be brought under control – and possibly even de-activated – by a special key that is split into two halves.  IMF has possession of one half.  Hunt's mission is to find the other half.  As always, this mission is almost "impossible" to accomplish, especially against "The Entity," which can anticipate his every move. At 163 minutes, it's about 20 minutes too long (primarily a car chase scene that overstayed its welcome), but why quibble?  As you might expect, Part One leaves you "hanging" (see pic)!  Part Two is scheduled for an August 2024 release, but the writer's strike will probably delay it.  


Terrific Action Sequences!

Tom Cruise Does It Again!
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I have loved the movies ever since I saw “The Wizard of Oz” as a young boy. When Beatle-mania hit the USA, Rock-N-Roll was my greatest passion, but I haven’t enjoyed the current music scene nearly as much over the past 15 years, so that void has been filled by film. In college and med school, I would see movies with my friends and we would stay up late into the night chatting about them. I still love seeing movies with friends and then having dinner to discuss them. This blog evolved out of my desire to tell my movie-loving friends about movies I thought they would enjoy. The blog allows me to do this in a fun way and to reach movie fans everywhere.

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