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Marcel The Shell With Shoes On: A Heartwarming Mockumentary!

July 28, 2022
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Although “Marcel the Shell With Shoes On” has apparently been a beloved cartoon character for over ten years, neither Robin nor I had ever heard of him.  Created in 2010 by comedienne/writer Jenny Slate, along with her friend and Director Dean Fleischer Camp, Marcel has long been a YouTube Star, the lead character in two online shorts, and even the subject of a NY Times bestseller!  Now comes Marcel’s first full-length feature film, which is a stop-motion animation movie (seamlessly combining animated characters with real-life actors).  Slate is the voice of Marcel, while the Director, Fleischer Camp, stars as the documentary filmmaker.

Marcel is a about a 1-inch-tall child shell (see picture) who, via a mysterious tragedy, has been separated from his community, including his parents and brother.  He lives in an Airbnb, along with his infirmed grandmother Connie (Isabella Rossellini), who is also suffering from cognitive decline.  Marcel is Connie’s caretaker and has had to figure out how they can survive.   A documentary filmmaker, Dean (played by himself), after either divorcing or separating from his wife, moves in and discovers Marcel.  Dean decides to make a documentary about Marcel and Connie.  Marcel – like my favorite cartoon character, Wiley E. Coyote – is a genius (or pretty close to it).  Marcel has constructed all kinds of devices to enable him and Connie to eat, stay out of the way of Dean’s dog, take care of their hygiene, etc.  Just about all of this is quite funny and entertaining.

Dean and Marcel develop a relationship, and, in their multiple conversations, Marcel says many profound things about love, friendship, community, connection, loss, and coping with life’s vicissitudes, among other topics.  Dean posts the documentary on YouTube and Marcel becomes famous, as the documentary goes viral.  Marcel’s fame, however, comes at great cost, since Marcel’s life basically turns into a reality show.  Marcel still longs to reunite with his community, and perhaps his fame will somehow enable this to happen.

I’ve never seen a film quite like this before, and it is both funny and sad, so bring your tissues to the theater.  It’s a heartwarming film and similar to “Shrek” – it’s more an adult film than for children, (although kids will enjoy it, too).  I think it has a good chance to win the AA for Best Animated Film.  I was wondering why Slate and Fleischer Camp created Marcel wearing shoes.  Perhaps, it’s because Marcel has a remarkable “soul!”

Although "Marcel the Shell With Shoes On" has apparently been a beloved cartoon character for over ten years, neither Robin nor I had ever heard of him.  Created in 2010 by comedienne/writer Jenny Slate, along with her friend and Director Dean Fleischer Camp, Marcel has long been a YouTube Star, the lead character in two online shorts, and even the subject of a NY Times bestseller!  Now comes Marcel's first full-length feature film, which is a stop-motion animation movie (seamlessly combining animated characters with real-life actors).  Slate is the voice of Marcel, while the Director, Fleischer Camp, stars as the documentary filmmaker. Marcel is a about a 1-inch-tall child shell (see picture) who, via a mysterious tragedy, has been separated from his community, including his parents and brother.  He lives in an Airbnb, along with his infirmed grandmother Connie (Isabella Rossellini), who is also suffering from cognitive decline.  Marcel is Connie's caretaker and has had to figure out how they can survive.   A documentary filmmaker, Dean (played by himself), after either divorcing or separating from his wife, moves in and discovers Marcel.  Dean decides to make a documentary about Marcel and Connie.  Marcel – like my favorite cartoon character, Wiley E. Coyote – is a genius (or pretty close to it).  Marcel has constructed all kinds of devices to enable him and Connie to eat, stay out of the way of Dean's dog, take care of their hygiene, etc.  Just about all of this is quite funny and entertaining. Dean and Marcel develop a relationship, and, in their multiple conversations, Marcel says many profound things about love, friendship, community, connection, loss, and coping with life's vicissitudes, among other topics.  Dean posts the documentary on YouTube and Marcel becomes famous, as the documentary goes viral.  Marcel's fame, however, comes at great cost, since Marcel's life basically turns into a reality show.  Marcel still longs to reunite with his community, and perhaps his fame will somehow enable this to happen. I've never seen a film quite like this before, and it is both funny and sad, so bring your tissues to the theater.  It's a heartwarming film and similar to "Shrek" – it's more an adult film than for children, (although kids will enjoy it, too).  I think it has a good chance to win the AA for Best Animated Film.  I was wondering why Slate and Fleischer Camp created Marcel wearing shoes.  Perhaps, it's because Marcel has a remarkable "soul!"


A Unique Animated Film!

Funny, but May Move You to Tears Too!
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I have loved the movies ever since I saw “The Wizard of Oz” as a young boy. When Beatle-mania hit the USA, Rock-N-Roll was my greatest passion, but I haven’t enjoyed the current music scene nearly as much over the past 15 years, so that void has been filled by film. In college and med school, I would see movies with my friends and we would stay up late into the night chatting about them. I still love seeing movies with friends and then having dinner to discuss them. This blog evolved out of my desire to tell my movie-loving friends about movies I thought they would enjoy. The blog allows me to do this in a fun way and to reach movie fans everywhere.

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