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Don Jon-DVD

March 22, 2014
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Written and Directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who is also the star, this comedy/drama is entertaining enough to hold your interest.  It also provides a few laughs along the way.

Jon Martello (aka Don Jon-Joseph Gordon-Levitt)  is a ladies man who can sleep with a different woman anytime he wants but he prefers porn to having sex with real women. He is addicted to porn and masturbates multiple times per day to video clips on his computer.

He meets Barbara (Scarlett Johansson) and falls in love with her but even she can’t compete with porn for thrills and satisfaction.

Barbara suggests that he take a night class where he meets an older woman (Esther- Julianne Moore).

Can either  Barbara or Esther lead Don Jon into the light of genuine intimacy or is this porn addict hopeless?

If this story line interests you, see it and find out!

Rating 7.0-Solid Rental

PS-This is an R rated film.

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