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Captain Phillips-DVD

February 12, 2014
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This is another film based on a true story in a year with many movies based on real events, (12 Years A Slave, Mandela, Fruitville Station, and Dallas Buyers Club) among others.

The Captain of an American cargo ship (Richard Phillips-Tom Hanks) is in international waters by Somalia when his vessel is attacked and boarded by a small band of Somali pirates, with automatic weapons. Unfortunately, Captain Phillips and his crew have no guns.

Although we all know how the situation  resolves, the movie is nevertheless quite suspenseful.  The pirate leader (Muse-Barkhard Abdi) does a great job and it’s a real pleasure seeing Phillips and Muse go mano-a-mano. The Director ( Paul Greengrass) gets first rate performances from the cast and keeps the plot moving along at a nice pace.

This is a very  good movie and well worth renting, especially when drinking rum!

Rating-8.0-top 20 movie


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