Monthly Archives: "June 2024"


My Favorite Film So Far of 2024!

Thelma: Heartwarming and Funny Family Drama

Jun 24, 2024Comments off

“Thelma” is a terrific “Indie” movie!  It’s my favorite film of 2024 so far, and I consider it a MUST-SEE!  The movie will definitely be


A Joy From Start To Finish!

Hit Man: Will “Blow You Away”

Jun 13, 2024Comments off

This is my favorite movie of 2024!  It’s MUST-SEE!  The film is one of the most original, complex, rom-com/noir thriller movies that I have ever


Violent, But Exciting And Creative!

Upgrade: Fast-Paced Sci-Fi Revenge Thriller...

Jun 07, 2024Comments off

This film was released in 2018, but I somehow missed it.  It’s now on Netflix, and my oldest son, Ryan, recommended it to me.  I